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Archetypcal Representation 

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our Opening title sequence covers more social groups than more traditional films of this genre. The ways we have done this are:

The last shot you see is of a young person wearing a hoodie. This indicates that young people are a part of this film aswell as the older men that you normally associate with Film Noir. This will hopefully engage teenagers and young adults by having a more relatable character.

Adding the alcohol and ciggarettes into our OTS attracts a much older audience as they appreciate the act of drinking/smoking to relieve stress. This audeience would generally be more middle-upper class as they have the expendable income to spend on nicer acolhols.

The attire of the detective: Unbuttoned shirt, an untied tie and a gun holster shows a broken man who doesnt care about his appearance. This might be more relatable to the working class audiences as they know about hard work and how sometimes appearance gets forgotten.

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